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Filtering by Category: Oils

Learn More About Young Living's Peace & Calming Essential Oil Blend

The Oily Home Companion

Do you lie down in bed after a long day and struggle to turn your brain off to fall asleep? Peace & Calming may be able to help!

Peace & Calming essential oil is a beautiful blend of Ylang Ylang, Organe, Tangerine, Patchouli, and Blue Tansy essential oils. It is known for its gentle properties and its sweet, citrusy aroma. This oil blend can be used to create a comforting and relaxed environment to start or end the day, freshen the air in your home or car, boost your mood during a hard day, and improve the appearance of skin.


  • Improve your bedtime routine by applying this oil to the bottoms of the feet.

  • Add to a V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex to add a calming element to a bedtime massage.

  • Inhale directly for a bright and calming reset before going to work or sending the kids off to school.

  • Apply to your skin as a sweet, floral perfume.

  • Mix with your favorite skin care products to improve the appearance of skin.

  • Take a warm bath in the evening with 4-5 drops of Peace & Calming, mixed with 1 cup of Epsom salts to relax and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

  • Inhale directly during a tough moment to help improve your mood.

  • Diffuse in your bedroom as you curl up in bed or in your child’s room to help them fall asleep.

  • Diffuse in your home to freshen the air and fill the room with a sweet, floral scent.

  • Diffuse when you have guests over to greet them with a peaceful atmosphere.

  • Diffuse during meditation, prayer, or yoga to create a grounded and peaceful environment.

  • Diffuse at your desk to stay grounded and positive during a stressful work day.

Better Sleep Diffuser Blend

  • 2 drops Lavender

  • 2 drops Cedarwood

  • 2 drops Peace & Calming

Learn More About Young Living's Valor Essential Oil Blend

The Oily Home Companion

Valor is a unique essential oil blend of Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood, Geranium, and Frankincense. Each component of this blend adds a unique layer to Valor’s beneficial profile. It is known for its pleasant, sweet and spicy, aroma, and is used to inspire confidence and courage, as well as help with skin appearance. Sounds like something we all need in our lives, right?

You can use Valor Essential Oil in your diffuser to freshen the air or to create a positive, grounded environment for meditation, yoga, and focus. This would be the perfect essential oil to diffuse as you go through your morning routine! You can also use Valor with your favorite skin care products to improve the appearance of skin, or use with an oil for an upgraded massage experience.

Valor has a woodsy and floral aroma, which can make it ideal for colognes and perfumes. This oil would be great to wear during days when you may want a confidence boost, like to an interview, presentation at work, first date, or when you have to do a more challenging task.


  • Combine with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex to create a relaxing massage oil to wind down after a long day.

  • Inhale directly or rub onto wrists, hands, neck, or chest when you need a boost of confidence or courage.

  • Wear alone, or add with other essential oils, as a cologne or perfume.

  • Add to your favorite skin care products or soaps to improve the appearance of your skin and add positivity to your skin care and bathing routine.

  • Diffuse in the morning to inspire confidence and grounding for your day.

  • Diffuse in your home for a sweet, spicy, and woodsy aroma.

  • Diffuse during your work day while you work on difficult or challenging tasks.