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Filtering by Category: At Home

Non-Toxic Cleaning Using Young Living’s Essential Oils

The Oily Home Companion


Are you feeling a need for a refresh in your life after a cold, dark winter? Spring cleaning is a great way to welcome the coming season of growth, joy, and warmth. When you start refreshing your home, you will open the door to refresh other areas of your life, whether it’s your health, relationships, or spirit. Create an environment in your home that will allow these areas of your life to flourish, like the wildflowers springing up from the ground! 

Spring cleaning may be an overwhelming task to think about, but we are here to help! These 10 steps will guide you through the cleaning process in a way that is energizing and non-toxic. Did you know you can incorporate your Young Living oils into your cleaning processes? This post is loaded with recipes and ideas to help you not only clean the spaces in your home, but also guard your family from toxic chemicals found in conventional cleaning products. It may even save you a little money and time, since you can make these at home with only a few ingredients! 


1. Out with the old, in with the new

Before you begin deep cleaning your home, take time to go through the spaces in your home to get rid of the things that are no longer useful, or no longer spark joy in your life (thanks, Marie Kondo!). You can sell or donate these items to create space and add a little more peace to the home. Then, you can use the money you got with the old to get something new that would add value to your space. You can grab a new outfit that helps you feel confident or new pillows for your couches that mirror the bright colors of spring. This is also the time where you want to tidy things up, so that deep cleaning can be done with ease.

You can also set the tone for tidying up by diffusing springtime scents in the home. Try one of these blends for energize your senses and prep the home for the new!


Hello Spring!

1 drop of Geranium

2 drops Lemon or Citrus Fresh

1 drop Grapefruit

 Springtime Clean

2 drops Lavender

3 drops Lime

3 drops Lemon

2 drops Rosemary

Nap in the Sun

4 drops Orange

2 drops Bergamot

2 drops Ylang Ylang

Is that Anthro?

2 drops Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood

2 drops Lemon Myrtle

2 drops Lime

2 drops Tangerine

2 drops Rosemary


2. Throw a DIY party to mix your cleaners

You can throw a solo party, or get your family and friends involved, but it’s important to get your cleaners mixed and ready to go before you start cleaning. This will help you save time and keep your cleaning flow going strong once you start. What you need: Glass spray bottles and sealed jars, Thieves Household Cleaner, Castile liquid soap, white vinegar, baking soda, salt, olive oil, labels for jars/bottles (optional, but helpful), funnel to pour ingredients into the bottles, and your favorite essential oils (lemon, orange, tea tree, lavender, pine, thieves, purification, eucalyptus, etc.).


All Purpose Cleaner

Mix 1 capful Thieves Household Cleaner and 3 cups of water in a glass spray bottle.

Stainless Steel Polish

Mix ½ cup olive oil, ½ cup white vinegar, and 20 drops essential oils (lemon + orange, or grapefruit + lime are good options!) to a glass spray bottle. 

Deep Clean Scrub

Mix 1 capful of Thieves Household Cleaner and 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda to form a thick paste. 

Window/Glass Cleaner

Mix 1 capful of Thieves Household cleaner, 4 cups of water, 1 tsp of white vinegar, and 5 drops of lemon or citrus fresh essential oil in glass bottle.  

Refrigerator Deodorizer

In a small, uncovered bowl, add baking soda and a few drops of lemon essential oil. Store in a corner of your fridge for lasting freshness. 

Carpet Cleaner

Combine 2 cups baking soda with 30 drops of essential oils of choice in a jar. Seal jar and shake to mix well. 


Reusable Dryer Sheets

To start, gather fabric from old towels or clothing. Cut into long strips. In a glass jar, add ½ cup white vinegar with 6-10 drops of Lavender or Purification essential oils. Add fabric strips and make sure they are soaked in the mixture. Seal and store. When ready to use, take a strip, ring it out, and throw it in the dryer.  If you want to keep it simple, buy organic wool dryer balls and drop Lemongrass or Lavender essential oils on the wool balls. You can also use Young Living’s Seedling Baby Wipes as a dryer sheet.

Oven Cleaner Recipe from OHC Member Christina Escajeda

Mix 2 parts baking soda to 1 part Thieves Cleaner and 10 drops of Lemon Essential Oil to a jar. Store until ready to use. 

Garbage Disposal Fresheners

Combine 1 cup baking soda and ½ cup salt in a bowl. Add ¾ cup Castile liquid soap and 30 drops essential oils (your choice!), and mix well. Add water, 1 Tbsp at a time, until the mixture is the texture of wet sand. Pack mixture into a 1 Tbsp measuring spoon, then release by tapping gently on the counter (be careful because they can easily break apart). Let dry for 24 hours, then store in a sealed glass jar.  

 Wood Cleaner

Mix 1 capful of Thieves Household Cleaner, 1 cup of olive oil, and about 10 drops of either lemon, pine, or citrus fresh to give off a spring scent! Be sure to test in an inconspicuous area first before using it for the rest of the surface. 



3. Start with the carpet


Remove everything you can from your carpet, then grab your carpet cleaner.  Use a spoon to shake liberally onto the carpet. Let sit for at least an hour, then vacuum. We start here because this needs to set, but you can also do this step last if you have an hour to spare at the end of your day. 


4. Move to the ceiling


Grab your broom and duster to remove any dust from your fans and fixtures on the ceiling. Remove any cobwebs or dust hiding in the corners. After you remove the surface dust, you can use the all purpose cleaner and glass cleaner to wipe down the surfaces. 



5. Spruce up surfaces

Grab your different cleaners and clean off all surfaces in the home. Dust your bookshelves and items hanging on the walls, and wipe down tables and countertops. Clean the glass in your home with the window/glass cleaner and a paper towel or newspaper. For windows, make sure you get to the inside and outside. Give yourself plenty of time here to reach corners and surfaces you wouldn’t normally clean. Don’t forget the surfaces of your couches and chairs. If you can remove cushion covers, go ahead and run them through the washing machine. If not, use the handheld attachment on your vacuum to clean them off. For added freshness, spray a mix of water and your favorite essential oil onto the surface when you’re done! 

6. Scrub the oven and stove top, and clear out the fridge

The kitchen can be one of the dirtiest rooms in the home, and kitchen equipment rarely gets the love it needs to stay in tip-top shape. Take your oven cleaner and apply the mixture to the inside of the oven. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes, then use a scrub brush to remove the more difficult areas, and use a clean cloth for the easy parts in the oven. For the stove, you can use the deep clean scrub to remove tough spots, and your all purpose cleaner for the rest of the surface. If you have stainless steel appliances, finish them off with your stainless steel polish. You can do the same for your microwave, and any other appliances in the kitchen. For your refrigerator and freezer, clear out any expired foods and scrub tough spots first with your deep clean scrub. Clean the drawers and surfaces with your all purpose cleaner, or Thieves Wipes, and clean the glass surfaces with your glass cleaner. Pop in your refrigerator deodorizer for the final touch! 



7. Brave the bathrooms


The bathroom may not be the most fun to clean, but it’s the place in your home where you spend most of your morning and evening routines. For your guests, the bathroom is a safe place for them to also start and end their day. Keep that in mind as you scrub to ignite gratitude for the space. Use the deep clean scrub for the toilet, bathtub, and shower to remove any mold, mildew, or funk. If there’s a decent buildup in the tub or shower, it’s a good idea to go ahead and replace your shower liner. Once the tough spots are gone, use your all purpose cleaner to wipe down the remaining surfaces and faucets. Once everything is clean, dry out the surfaces in the shower with a squeegee or dry cloth. Clean off your sinks with the all purpose cleaner, and clean all mirrors with your glass cleaner. To keep the freshness going all year long, add a diffuser to a shelf or sink to fill the room with energizing and relaxing scents each day! 


8. Freshen up trash cans and drawers


These spaces are easily forgotten in our cleaning process. Take your trash can outside, if you have a waterhose, to rinse it out. Then, use an all purpose cleaner or Thieves Wipes to wipe out the inside. You can add a few drops of an essential oil, like lemon or purification, to keep things fresh. For drawers and cabinets, remove items and wipe out the insides with all purpose cleaner, all the way into the corners. Take time to put everything back in a neat, orderly way to avoid messy spaces moving forward. 



9. Clean the floors

Your carpet cleaner has been sitting for a couple of hours now, so you can finish the carpet by vacuuming everything up. For floors, grab a Libman mop and fill the container with a mix of water and Thieves Household Cleaner. For vinyl and tile, you can use the same recipe for all purpose cleaner. Have your deep clean scrub handy for any tough spots. For hardwood, use the recipe for wood cleaner. Test this out on a small piece of the floor first before cleaning the rest of the floor. Don’t forget to get to your bathrooms, bedrooms, and closets. 


10. Finish with fresh linens

You should be washing sheets and pillowcases every week or so, so use this time to go even further by washing your pillows (check the label instructions) and comforter. Before you begin, take time to disinfect your washing machine. Run the machine on hot water, then add white vinegar, baking soda, and a few drops of lemon essential oil to the machine. Pause the wash cycle and let sit for 30-60 minutes. Restart the machine, let the water drain, and wipe dry. For your linens, use the Thieves Laundry Soap for a non-toxic, but effective clean! This is also a great time to flip your mattresses and switch out any decorative pillows you use! 


Don’t forget the outside of your home! Once you’re done cleaning the inside of your home, bring some of the joy to the outside of your home. Clean patio furniture, clear off porches, power wash the sides of the home, and remove weeds to prepare for planting spring flowers.  

Take the 5-Day Thieves Challenge! Now that you have the tips you need to spring clean like a pro and start a refresh for you life, we encourage you to join us for the Thieves Challenge! 

Have a Hygge Winter

The Oily Home Companion

Hygge is a Danish word that is used to describe a special feeling of coziness. It has become a lifestyle of creating an enjoyable environment and special moments through intimacy and connection, whether alone or with others.

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Hosting a Fun and Festive Christmas Party

Sarah Hale

Hosting a Christmas party is one of the best ways to give back to your friends, and build your community. This year, take your Christmas party to the next level by adding in fun activities to engage your guests and send them off with lifelong memories!  

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Get Your Home Ready For Thanksgiving

The Oily Home Companion

Thanksgiving is a day marked by gathering with people you love, celebrating gratitude, and enjoying amazing food! If you have the honor of hosting the Thanksgiving meal this year, don’t stress. Follow these tips to host an amazing Thanksgiving gathering and leave your guests with memories that will last a lifetime.

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Safe Scents For The Season

The Oily Home Companion

Pumpkin Spice, Cinnamon Sticks, Apple Cider, Sweater Weather...Fall is in the air, can you feel it?

Not only are those things listed above some of the delicious flavors and special things about the Autumn season, they’re also scents and fragrances that many line out the door for at our favorite stores.

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Cozy Up Your Home For Fall

The Oily Home Companion

Summer is coming to a close, and fall is welcoming us with crisp mornings, colorful leaves, and pumpkin spiced everything. Create the same cozy environment you experience outdoors during the fall season inside your home with these simple tips!

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For the Love of Avocados

The Oily Home Companion

Are you a big fan of guacamole? Avocado toast? Green smoothies? Us too! If there’s ever an opportunity to put avocado in a recipe we most definitely will! Not only do avocados look beautiful in your meals, but they are great for your health.

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Keeping Your Dog Calm During the Holidays

Sarah Hale

If for some reason you were keeping tabs on the top ten ways to be greeted after a long, stressful day, please go ahead and jot down when dogs greet their owners. If you don’t own a dog or have not seen this in action, then do yourself a favor and search it on YouTube.

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How Generosity Can Bless You Too

Sarah Hale

Do you know the elated feeling you get when you’re tearing the nicely wrapped gift that you get for your birthday, Christmas, or just because? There’s an unexplainable mixture of emotions including pure bliss, astonishment, and feeling loved and known. 

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Celebrating Father’s Day the Oily Way!

The Oily Home Companion


BY: Verick Burchfield, OHC Co-Founder

Father’s Day is always a special day for me. Us dads get to feel appreciated in lots of ways—our families take us out for lunch or come over for an afternoon BBQ where we get to show off our grilling skills, our jokes get extra laughs and NO eye-rolls, we get cards and practical gifts like tools, ties, socks and underwear. For the most part, we just relish the time with our family. As a dad of four, I never really have a gift expectation for Father’s Day. Being surrounded by my wife and children, hearing them say that they are thankful for me, is the only gift I need. I believe that most men feel the same way. We don't necessarily want a big celebration, but like our wives, we want to be appreciated.

Nevertheless, Father’s Day is associated with gifting and, as I mentioned above, it can be difficult to buy interesting gifts for the men in your life because, well, he always needs socks, underwear and could use another tie. Every now and then, there is an adventurous dad who needs a new pair of running shoes or a fresh glove to up his game for the local church softball league.

This year, we’re going to help you break out of that gift-giving rut with some natural products that I personally enjoy receiving and can use everyday! Here's a rundown of Young Living products that every man can enjoy and would benefit from this Father’s Day.



This essential oil blend is for all things outdoors. A few drops rubbed onto the chest and inhaled deeply will have your dude powering through his cardio routine like he’s Captain America. Trust me, I’ve used this one for 6 years and it's a game changer!



What dad doesn't need a pick me up midday or on the drive home from work so he can be at his best when he finally gets some family time in the evening? This is the perfect product to keep in a briefcase or gym bag for an extra energy boost anytime—with no sugar crash!



This is a multifaceted product for a multifaceted man: cologne, energy booster, calming for him and attractive to her. Is there any better combination?



What dad couldn’t use a little less stress reducer? This vacation-in-a-bottle is the perfect fit for ending the work day and keeping calm in that rush hour traffic. There’s nothing like dad coming home in a good mood and ready to connect with the ones he loves most.



Now this is an unbeatable trio! If you love the smell of Shutran (and I’m confident that you will) this combo will give your husband the closest shave, smooth and healthy post-shave skin, and the softest beard around. These three products, along with the Shutran essential oil, are all he’ll need for a totally natural shaving kit!


I hope that everyone enjoys this upcoming Father’s Day and that you’ll consider adding these products to go along with that special pair of socks that most men, like myself, can't wait to open from our precious kiddos this June!

Creating Lasting Memories With Your Family And Friends

The Oily Home Companion


As the years pass by, it seems as if the clock is moving at a speed that's far too fast for our minds to comprehend. Time is absolutely precious, and not a single moment should be wasted, especially with those whom you hold near to your heart.  Memorial Day is a holiday with a lot of history and importance behind it. It's a day to commend and honor those who have selflessly served our country and protected freedom for their loved ones. There's an undeniably significant lesson to be taught from this holiday—never take for granted the freedom we have and commit daily to set aside the busyness of life and show appreciation for those we love. Here are a few simple yet creative ways you can love on your family and friends while creating lasting memories:


We are big believers that you need at least eight positive touches a day for general happiness. It's said that positive touch releases hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin—which are happy hormones. Taking the time to give an unexpected hug, a loving scratch on the back, or even an impromptu snuggle can really go a long way to show your loved one that you care and boost their mood, not to mention your own. Also, in the right context, public display of affection, such as hand holding or a peck on the cheek is a simple and sweet way to affirm your partner and strengthen your bond.


Using your words to express how you feel about your loved ones is absolutely invaluable. While touch is able to communicate many things, words challenge us to be vulnerable, intentional, and specific. Speaking words of encouragement or even taking the time to write a heart-felt letter of appreciation can go such a long way to lifting up your loved ones. When we put our affection into words it affirms those we love clearly and directly, touching their hearts and minds in deep and meaningful way. 


Enjoy cooking? Try pulling out an old family recipe or try one of the recipes we have here.  Food is common ground for everyone whether you are twelve or seventy-five. It is a fun and tasty way to connect.


Pull out the football, baseball, or frisbee. Whatever sport your crew enjoys, get out on the grass and play together. Team sports are a great way to build up your relationships through fitness and fun! 


Whether for a week at the beach or a just a couple days in the mountains, hitting the road and exploring a new place every once in a while will create a lifetime of stories and “you had to be there” moments for you and your loved ones.  Experiences are such these can be some of the most valuable treasures in our lives.