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Why We Love Thieves Laundry Soap

Sarah Hale


Laundry is one of those chores with a big pay-off. The smell of freshly cleaned sheets, warm socks right out of the dryer, and beautiful bright whites make the work worth it. Of course, having a detergent that cleans well and smells nice certainly helps. At The Oily Home Companion, we know that it’s also important for our laundry soap to help our clothes do their most important job—protecting us.

Most of us work hard to keep our skin healthy and protected from the elements, but what if the things guaranteed to contact our skin everyday, our clothes and linens, are carrying toxins? If you use a standard detergent, it may be filled with harsh chemicals that end up transferring to your skin and absorbing into your body every day. To protect your own body, and the water and air impacted by the cleaning process, you can easily make the switch to a plant-based detergent with all of the same cleaning power.

Thieves Laundry Soap adds a light citrus scent to your clothes while washing them with the power of Thieves, Jade LemonTM, and Bergamot and is free of SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), dyes, petrochemicals, formaldehyde, phosphates, synthetic perfume, and optical brighteners! Works great with conventional and HE washers.

TIP: We love adding wool dryer balls into the dryer with a few drops of the Lemongrass and Purification Essential Oils instead of dryer sheets, adding a safe and delicious freshness to your newly cleaned laundry, all while managing static and pet hair.