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Filtering by Tag: Spearmint Vitality

Pineapple Spearmint Lemonade Popsicles

The Oily Home Companion


June is here, which means summer is creeping in! Luckily, Young Living can help you cool off with the most refreshing popsicles ever!

Pineapple Spearmint Lemonade Popsicles 


12 oz. Fresh Pineapple, chopped

1/2 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice 

1/2 Cup Water

1/4 Cup Honey

A few Mint Leaves, Finely Chopped

2 drops Spearmint Vitality 

4 drops Lemon Vitality


Combine the pineapple, lemon juice, water, honey, and mint leaves in a blender. Blend on high until smooth. Stir in Spearmint Vitality and Lemon Vitality.  Transfer mixture to popsicle molds and freeze until firm.

YL Orders of 100 PV this month receive a FREE 5-ml bottle of Spearmint Vitality to use in this recipe and more all summer long!

Message us and we'll be happy to help you order.