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Spinach Pesto Sauce

Sarah Hale


SOURCE: Young Living Blog

We can't wait to try out this recipe this weekend! Spinach Pesto Sauce by Young Living Essential Oils — Heat the pine nuts in a skillet until golden brown. Combine with spinach, parmesan cheese, garlic, and about 1/2 cup of olive oil in a food processor and blend until smooth. Pour pesto into a glass or stainless steel bowl and add more olive oil if needed. Stir in the essential oils. —


  • 1/2 cup pine nuts
  • 2-3 cups spinach
  • 1 cup parmesan cheese grated
  • 2 tsp minced garlic
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 1 drop Basil Vitality
  • 1 drop Lemon Vitality