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Balancing Your Life For a Better You


Balancing Your Life For a Better You

The Oily Home Companion

In this new year, rather than making easy to break resolutions, let's look at all areas and see what small steps we can make to improvement. Before you know it, you'll see a BETTER you. 

I like to look at the areas from the Oola Life's point of view. The 7 F's are Faith, Family, Field, Finance, Fitness, Friends, and Fun. Try this FREE, fast, and fun test our personal friends Dr. Dave and Dr. Troy offer to see how you're doing in each of those 7 areas and identify where you may need to work on a little more this year! It's not about having all seven perfectly balanced so much as it's about living mindfully that they each play an important part of our life that we don't need to neglect and we often need to work in small steps on. 

The test really gives us a clear vision of where we are and where we need to head. Instead of making resolutions, try making one small goal per 7 areas and list an action step toward that goal and then write out ONE golden goal you ultimately want to work towards that's in alignment with your small goals and action steps.

If you're married or have a significant other, it's important to talk with them about these areas and keep them in mind as you make plans. Try prayerfully making goals while using oils. Some oils to choose from during the process are: Clarity, Brain Power, Motivation, Orange, Peppermint, Into the Future, Freedom, Frankincense or any of the OOLA oils. Whichever ones you choose, continue using them as you work to incorporate your action steps.

Here's an example of what this might look like:

  • Faith Goal: spend time with the Lord every morning before anything else. Action Step: Download the FIRST 5 App (free) and set phone notifications for reminders. Try to do this FIRST thing in the morning. Don't get on social media or check emails until after quiet time.

  • Family Goal: 1 family night a week unplugged from phones to talk, play board games, work on a puzzle, or read aloud. Action step: Get out the calendar for this month and coordinate schedules (for older kids); have everyone commit to the date chosen. 

  • Field (Career) Goal: Start sharing Young Living with others. Action Steps: Go through the 3-week Oily Home Office Base Camp starting Jan 10 (email us here if you want to join in)!

  • Fitness Goal: Run a 5K this Spring. Action Step: Download Couch to 5K App on my phone and tell my best friend and significant other/spouse to help me stay accountable. 

  • Friends Goal: Keep working on QUALITY not quantity in my friendships. Action Step: Set up tea time for twice this month with two friends. Action Step: Arrange a fun potluck game night for families to play together this month. Get it on the calendar NOW.

  • Fun Goal: Spend a little time by myself doing a few things I love like reading, walking around the book store, and crafting. Action Step: Buy a new book and set up a Cozy Hygge spot (What's Hygge? Read more here). Action Step: Get 2 dates on the calendar a month doing something fun by myself. Don't feel guilty about it!!

See they are doable right? And honestly, if you did all these things in January, you would feel so much more balanced. Have fun working on your own and make sure to put them where you can see them daily. Check in at the end of each week to see where you are. At the end of the month, reward yourself for good progress with ONE reward you decide now on. Keep in mind though, the REAL reward comes from all those amazing action steps and goals you're reaching with a snow ball effort! Don't stop, keep going into February! You got this!